Travel Updates

Reminder of International Travel Policy for Summer Travel

In the summer months in particular, as international travel rates increase, UC Davis travelers are reminded to abide by the international travel policy established by UC Davis in 2018, which aims to promote the safety and security of travelers and to ensure appropriate risk mitigation procedures are applied to “high-risk” travels.

New Policy Requires Registration of International Travel

UC Davis has enacted a new policy on international travel, laying out the campus’s registration requirement for trips abroad and setting rules for “high-risk” travel. The policy aims to promote the safety and security of UC Davis travelers abroad and ensure that appropriate risk mitigation procedures are applied to “high-risk” travel.

Statement from Global Affairs on Executive Order

Dear students and scholars,

You have undoubtedly seen the news in the last few days regarding President Trump’s executive order that prevents persons from seven countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, and Somalia) from entering the United States.