Radwan Mahmoud Daoud Barakat

Radwan Barakat
Plant Pathology
Hebron University

Faculty Host: Lynn Epstein
Faculty Host Contact: lepstein@ucdavis.edu

Prof. Barakat obtained his PhD in Plant Pathology from Washington State University in 1992. Since then, he has been a faculty member at the College of Agriculture, Hebron University, Palestine. He is the director of the Plant Protection Research Center (PPRC) established under his supervision in 2007. Prof. Barakat's research focuses on alternatives to chemical plant disease control including biological control, soil solarization, entomopathogeic fungi, soil suppressiveness, and early events in host-pathogen interaction. Prof. Barakat is a fellow of the Palestine Academy for Science and Technology (PALAST), and took several important administrative positions during his professional career.]

Last updated: 2018


Program Type

