Headshot of Anthony Kulle.

About Anthony Kullie

Country: Liberia

Pronouns: He/him/his

Program: Adaptation and mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of climate change on water resources,  specifically focusing on sea level rise, flooding and coastal erosion 

Anthony Kullie has a Bachelor of Science in geology from the University of Liberia and a Master of Science in geophysical engineering from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, Ghana. His desire to pursue degrees in earth sciences was driven by the need to adequately explore the country’s resources and ensure that the extracted and exploited resources are sustainably used for the enhancement of livelihoods for all Liberians.

Anthony works with the University of Liberia as an Instructor within the Department of Geology at the College of Engineering, building the capacity of young Liberians, and with the Ministry of Mines and Energy as director of the Liberian Hydrological Service. He was previously chairman of the Department of Geology.

As director of the Liberian Hydrological Service, an institution that is responsible for the overall management of the country’s water resources, Anthony ensures that the overall mandates of the office are fully executed. This also includes providing accurate water information for the purpose of defining reliable supplies of good quality and sufficient quantity water, determining hydropower potential, assessing irrigation potential, and protecting Liberia’s control over its water resources.

Anthony’s goals with the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship are directly in line with SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation, SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy, and SDG 13: Climate Action. Located in West Africa, Liberia is currently faced with several impacts of climate change, particularly sea level rise, increased frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, changes in rainfall patterns and more, which have led to flooding, coastal erosion and biodiversity loss. The need to acquire knowledge and skills in sustainable adaptation and mitigation measures that would be implemented to curtail these impacts is the primary reason Anthony applied to join the fellowship.

Available to speak on topics including:

  • Status of water resources in Liberia with specific emphasis on transboundary water resource
  • The effect of climate change in Liberia (specifically concentrating on the coastal zone)

Email Anthony Kullie

Related SDGs:

On a bright blue background are the illustration of a full cup of water with an arrow pointed down, the number 6 and the words, "Clean Water and Sanitation"
On a bright yellow background are an image of a power button with sunrays coming out of it like it's the sun, the number 7, and the words, "Affordable and Clean Energy."
On a green background is an illustration of an eye with the global as the iris, the number 13 and the words, "Climate Action."

Program Type

