Headshot of Nadia Indjai Laryea.

About Nadia Indjai Laryea


Nadia Indjai Laryea

Country: Guinea-Bissau
Pronouns: she/her/hers

Nadia Indjai Laryea has two years of experience in the medical field.  Currently, Nadia is a medical doctor at the Mal de Hansen de Cumura hospital in Guinea-Bissau, working as the physician in charge of the dermatology and wound management department.  Nadia is a co-founder of an NGO that promotes the integral development of children and adolescents and advocates for their rights.  She has also volunteered at medical outreaches and charity programs on both national and international levels.  Nadia holds a bachelor's degree in Medicine and Surgery.  Nadia is committed to impacting the public health sector through effective leadership strategies.  Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Nadia plans to implement community health programs and use her leadership skills to mentor and train other healthcare professionals by empowering them to become effective leaders and advocate for positive change in the healthcare system.

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Available to Speak About

  • Challenges and solutions in providing healthcare to children/adolescents with special needs or underprivileged
  • Inclusive education strategies and their benefits
  • Overcoming barriers to education for children with disabilities
  • Building supportive and inclusive communities
  • Strategies for effective advocacy in health and education.

Related SDGs

On a bright red background are silhouettes of four adults and two children, the number 1, and the words "No Poverty"
On a pale yellow background is an illustration of a steaming bowl, the number 2, and the words "Zero Hunger"
On a bright green background, a line reminiscent of a heartrate monitor with a heart at the end sits below the number 3 and the words "Good Health And Well-Being"
On a dark red background is an illustration of an open book and a pencil, the number 4, and the words "Quality Education"
On a bright blue background are the illustration of a full cup of water with an arrow pointed down, the number 6 and the words, "Clean Water and Sanitation"


Program Type

