
New Study Abroad Program Offers 'International Insights' in Semiconductor Engineering

Faculty and staff celebrated the achievements of students and the success of a new semiconductor engineering study abroad program at the University of California, Davis, on June 12.

The program, an innovative partnership between Korea University and the University of California, Davis, brings high-performing Korean sophomores to campus to study and share international perspectives on semiconductor engineering with UC Davis students in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Global Aggies: Designing Global Classrooms for Real-World Challenges

In June 2020, Universitas 21 (U21) named UC Davis among the winners of its inaugural Global Education Enhancement Fund. Through this grant, UC Davis partnered with Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China and Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico to create a framework for teaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through Global Classroom modules.

Leading Pediatric and Fetal Surgeon Diana Farmer Honored for Global Leadership

The sixth annual UC Davis International Connections Reception, hosted by Global Affairs on March 4, brought together faculty, staff, scholars, students, special guests, and supporters to celebrate UC Davis’ global achievements. During this year’s online awards ceremony, Chancellor Gary S. May recognized Diana Farmer, chair of the UC Davis Department of Surgery and surgeon-in-chief of UC Davis Children’s Hospital, for earning a 2020 U21 Award for Contribution to Internationalization in Higher Education. The U21 Award, given by the Universitas 21 network, celebrates individuals who demonstrate a true global vision in higher education, further effective international opportunities for students and staff, and improve collaboration within the university and with external partners.

Collaborative and International UC Davis Project Awarded U21’s New Global Education Enhancement Fund

UC Davis is the lead institution on a global classroom pilot project, partnering with Tecnológico de Monterrey in Mexico and Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China to create a framework for teaching the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using a global classroom model that has been developed and utilized by Tecnológico de Monterrey and will be enhanced by UC Davis and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

LAURELS: Suad Joseph Receives Service Award from the Middle East Studies Association of North America, Diana Farmer Receives Global Leadership Award from U21

Calling her an “institutional cornerstone,” the Middle East Studies Association of North America recently presented its annual Jere L. Bacharach Service Award to Distinguished Professor Suad Joseph. U21 recently announced Professor Diana Farmer, a pediatric and fetal surgeon, as the recipient of a 2020 U21 Award for advancing global perspectives in her field.