Headshot of Anthony Okoboshi.

About Anthony Okoboshi

Pronouns: he/him/his

Country: Nigeria

Anthony Okoboshi has more than six years of experience in environmental research in Nigeria. Currently, Anthony is a lecturer at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture focusing on environmental studies and research. He is also involved in mentoring young environmental scientists in environmental studies. Anthony holds a master's degree in Hydrobiology. He is passionate about activities that help protect and conserve the world's aquatic resources. Upon completion of the Mandela Washington Fellowship, Anthony plans to continue in his chosen career while expanding his doctrine of protecting the environment.

Email Anthony Okoboshi

Related SDGs

On a dark red background is an illustration of an open book and a pencil, the number 4, and the words "Quality Education"
On a bright blue background are the illustration of a full cup of water with an arrow pointed down, the number 6 and the words, "Clean Water and Sanitation"
On a green background is an illustration of an eye with the global as the iris, the number 13 and the words, "Climate Action."
On a medium blue background is the image of a fish with two wavy lines above it to indicate water. Above the image is the number 14 and the words "Life Below Water"


On a bright green background are the illustration of a tree on land with three birds in the sky, the number 15, and the words, "Life on Land"

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